


judicial personality, nationality, ship, abuse of law


The main objective of this work is the problem underlying the identification of ways to guarantee the efficiency of civil liability in Maritime Law, aiming at greater legal certainty. As well as to analyze the possibility of assigning judicial personality to the ship, as a way of guaranteeing the efficiency of the civil liability, considering that, due to the frequent contact of the ship with the most different juridical orders, several juridical relations are developed in face of the activity of navigation. Thus, through the provision in law, in exceptional cases provided for in the standard, the ship could be directly liable.

Author Biography

Ingrid Zanella Andrade Campos, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Doutora e mestre em Direito pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE). Especialista em Liability for Maritime Claims e Law of Marine Insurance, pela International Maritime Law Institute. Professorda da Faculdade Damas da Instrução Cristã. Professora Adjunta da UFPE. Vice-presidente da OAB-PE. Sócia do escritório Queiroz Cavalcanti Advocacia. Juíza suplente do Tribunal Marítimo.


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How to Cite

Zanella Andrade Campos, I. (2022). THE JUDICIAL PERSONALITY OF SHIP AND CIVIL RESPONSIBILITY IN MARITIME LAW. International Law and Business Review, 2(1), 180–195.