an operational and commercial analysis




Weather conditions, Beaching, Gross average, Nautical management, Commercial management


Despite the importance of international commercial development and its paradigms, the debate about the use of large ships is much broader than a mere observation of the problems or demage that they can cause. Such events should be analyzed in a deeper and broaderly contextualized way, considering the nautical and commercial aspects. In this context, the cooperation between entities emerges as a high importance tool for the positive implementation of this king of ships usage. The "Ever Given" case was used in this article to tacitly demonstrate how an event can have so many positive or negative consequences, depending on the existing cooperation between commercial and nautical aspects, as well as the importance of maritime safety, so necessary, but sometimes put to the test of its efficiency in certain situations. Finally, it is necessary to attest that the gross average is indeed possible, in this case, and that it could have been avoided, if a greater integration had happened between the entities involved.

Author Biography

Mariana Paes de Figueiredo, Maritime Law Academy

Possui graduação em Direito e pós-graduação em Direito Marítimo e Portuário. Tem experiência na área de Direito com ênfase na área de Shipping, Comércio Exterior e Direito Marítimo e Portuário. Membro da ABDM -Associação Brasileira de Direito Marítimo.    


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How to Cite

Paes de Figueiredo, M. (2022). THE EVER GIVEN CASE AND THE GROSS AVERAGE: : an operational and commercial analysis. International Law and Business Review, 2(2), 146–173.