


contract; negotiations; commercial sector; technical knowledge.


The bibliographic research of charter contracts defines, explains and exemplifies the types of contracts practiced in the maritime sector. Among them, the time charter contract stands out as the most frequent type in the offshore sector due to its particulars. In general, these contracts have standard text and some riders clauses that are changeable in order to attend the agreement. It is also possible to include addendum to the standard contract highlighting special features of each ship. The great difficulty in make out the riders clauses and generate the addendum is a result of the lack of technical knowledge of the ones responsible for writing, negotiating and signing the vessels' contracts. The lack of adequate information during this initial process can lead to uncomfortable situations that will be experienced by the captains on board. Situations on which it will not be possible to comply with all parts specified in the contract. Therefore, a good technical assessment of the vessel during the negotiation process is of great value to avoid future inconvenience to the customer and economic losses during the time the contract is in progress. The objective of this paper is to indicate the need of a person with experience onboard inserted in the commercial department of the offshore companies to assist in the evaluation and negotiation of contractual clauses.

Author Biography

Verônica da Silva Rodrigues

Bacharel em Ciências Náuticas pela Escola de Formação de Oficiais da Marinha Mercante. Capitão de Cabotagem. Imediato em embarcações de apoio marítimo.


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How to Cite

da Silva Rodrigues, V. (2022). MANAGEMENT OF CHARTERING CONTRACTS IN THE OFFSHORE SECTOR. International Law and Business Review, 2(2), 83–106.